This blog tracks updates to the Blood Sugar 101 Web site.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Interesting Site Documents Dangers of Statin Drugs

Page Changed: Dangerous Drugs for People with Diabetes

Added link to a site Talking Statins" which is collecting reports from people who have been damaged by taking statin drugs and collecting signatures for petitions to WHO and UK health authorities requesting impartial investigation of the true side effect profile of these drugs.

The anecdotal information displayed here will give you a good idea of what the more common side effects of statin drugs might be. A study cited on my blog has found that doctors are woefully unaware of the importance of these particular side effects, some of which are irreversible, and that doctors often tell patients who experience these dangerous side effects that they are nothing to worry about when the drug companies' own prescribing information cites them as significant and even occasionally fatal.

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